Enrollment & Tuition
Enrollment for 2024-2025 is OPEN!
Registration is on a first come, first served basis. To secure your child’s spot, register as soon as possible to avoid being placed on the waitlist. To register, simply complete the online application form or print and drop it off at the Bloomington Free Methodist Church’s office Monday-Thursday.
Children are eligible for enrollment if they are 3 years of age by August 1st of that school year or 4 years old.
All students must be fully toilet trained by September 1st to be eligible.
Tuition & Fees
Morning slots are currently available from 9:00-11:30 am and/or afternoon slots from12:30-3:00 pm. You may choose a flexible schedule for your child and enroll them from 1-5 days per week at $14 per morning or afternoon session or $28 per full-day. There’s also a Lunch Bunch option between morning and afternoon sessions. The number of days per week your child is scheduled to attend must be set at the time of enrollment to allow for proper staff scheduling.
Payment may be paid monthly or weekly, but is due on the first day of the month/week. If your child misses due to sudden illness, another day may be added during that month, but their tuition cannot be refunded, as salaries are paid from tuition fees.
Payment may be made electronically, by check, or money order but we cannot accept cash at any time. Any check that is returned will incur a fee of $40 to cover the bank charges.
A non-refundable application fee of $100 is required with each student’s application.